Rebooted summer food drive a wonderful success
Blue Hill Lodge 11 months ago
The Brothers of Blue Hill Lodge, A. F. & A. M. recently hosted a very successful food drive to support Canton Helpline, specifically the Canton Food Pantry. With wonderful cooperation from the management and employees of Shaw's Supermarket at Cobbs Corner, as well as the very generous support of their customers, BHL collected an estimated 300-pounds of non-perishable food, filling 13 boxes and an equal number of shopping bags, which was delivered to the Food Pantry's new location on the 14th of August.
The Brothers of BHL are grateful for the support from Shaw's and their patrons for helping to make our post-pandemic reboot of the food drive a wonderful success and, most importantly, for their support of the needy in our community. For any questions about Blue Hill Lodge, please feel free to reach out to us a, or on Facebook at BlueHill1863.