Blue Hill Lodge

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Comms check...

Blue Hill Lodge 5 months ago

The 1656th Regular Communication - May 7th, 2024

Blue Hill Lodge 6 months ago

We know they're out there...

Blue Hill Lodge 7 months ago

Update on our Public Calendar

Blue Hill Lodge 7 months ago

Collation/Dinner for our April Meeting

Blue Hill Lodge 7 months ago


Blue Hill Lodge 8 months ago

UPDATE: Regular Communication #1653 - February 2024

Blue Hill Lodge 9 months ago

Text of Proposed Changes to the By-Laws of Blue Hill Lodge, With Rationale

Blue Hill Lodge 10 months ago

Rebooted summer food drive a wonderful success

Blue Hill Lodge 11 months ago
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925 Pleasant Street
Stoughton, MA 02072
Blue Hill Lodge Blue Lodge

Chartered on 01/01/1863 by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Blue Hill Lodge A.F. & A.M. in Stoughton, Massachusetts is part of District 7.

925 Pleasant Street
Stoughton, MA 02072

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Recent News

Blue Hill Lodge 5 months ago

Brethren all...In our ongoing efforts to improve communication I would like to sample the group as to the effectiveness of various platforms we're testing...

WhatsAppFacebookOLP (Our Lodge Page)...


Blue Hill Lodge 6 months ago

Brethren all, the 1656th regular communication of Blue Hill Lodge will happen on 07 May 2024, opening at 18:00 (6pm - yep! We decided that with all that needs to be done opening earlier was the pru...


Blue Hill Lodge 7 months ago

Brethren, now is the perfect time to start introducing friends and prospective brothers to Blue Hill Lodge. We have plans to be very busy over the coming years and many hands make for light work. B...


Blue Hill Lodge 7 months ago

Brethren, all...

We will be exercising our grilling skills for dinner after our April communication on the 2nd (Lodge will open at 7pm on the FC Degree). We ask that each brother attending pleas...


Blue Hill Lodge 8 months ago

UPDATE: We have, for the time being at least, managed to unlock our Google Account. Many thanks for your patience as we dilligently seek a long-term solution to our ongoing technical woes. Brethren...


Blue Hill Lodge 9 months ago

Brethren, all

Google is being rather well less than cooperative in sending-out an update to the communication correcting a couple of errors. For that we are very sorry. Unfortunately we are unab...


Blue Hill Lodge 11 months ago

The Brothers of Blue Hill Lodge, A. F. & A. M. recently hosted a very successful food drive to support Canton Helpline, specifically the Canton Food Pantry. With wonderful cooperation from the mana...