Message from the DDGM Right Worshipful Joshua D. Bumpus
District 19 East 7 months ago

The change from winter to spring is always a welcoming one. Spring is the season of vitality and renewal. There is no better time to reaffirm our commitment to the mission of caring for one another, our community, and striving to be better men. Make this an opportunity to reach out to brothers you have not seen. If you have not been to lodge in a while, it is an opportunity to visit and intentionally learn more about your fellow brethren. Our 19th East and West districts have been growing in so many ways. We have lots of activities that build many freindships, help our community, and welcome new brothers into the craft. Your support is important. Freemasonry is not a tangible thing; it is a beautiful system of morality that is deep within our heart and soul. Always practice out of the lodge those values taught within. Never stop working to make this world a better place. Just showing up or reaching out to a brother is supporting your lodge. If able, always visit other lodges when they have degree work or events. There are no strangers in Freemasonry, only friends we have yet to meet.