About Last Night....
Azure Lodge about 1 year ago

Had a great night at our regular communication. 

We had about 26+ brothers in attendance in the lodge. 
We had Brother Arata visit from Blue Hill Lodge in Stoughton. 

At dinner, two of our candidates joined us as well as guest of Brother Egan. The lodge is growing and the fellowship is amazing. If you have not been to lodge in awhile, you should come back. No worries if you forget protocols, people will help you. 

It was so nice to see Brother Joseph Colligan at lodge last evening. Brother Colligan was bestowed a George Washington Medal for his service in the Army. Brother Colligan spent two tours in Viet Nam as an MP.  When asked what he liked most about his deployment, he answered "coming home the second time".  The brothers loved his answer.  It was great to see Brother Colligan and hopes he can make it to lodge more often.  He did say he does not like to drive at night so if any brothers live near Dedham and want to offer to give him a ride, I am sure we can connect you two. 

We balloted and approved three new candidates last evenning. Degree work will commence on the 4th Wednesday of February. The lodge will open officially at 6:00 PM. 

We have voted to host a Superbowl Party on February 11th beginning at 4:00 PM. It's a well attended event. We are awaiting approval from the Oddfellows. 

Thanks to Brothers Boulais, Keaney, Osborne and Kane for a wonderful meal! 

We received several nice notes from widows and their families who were very happy to receive small gifts from the lodge. 

Good work, Brothers!