Highlights from Our Last Stated Communication Meeting - Calendar Year 2023
Gatun Lodge 11 months ago
Dear Lodge Members,

I hope this message finds you well. I am pleased to share some highlights from our recent Stated Communication Meeting held on Thursday December 8thfrom Calendar Year 2023.

During this session, we had the honor of presenting Worshipful Three Master Mason Certificates to Wor. Danino Wood; Brother Ian Wood, Brother Milton McKay. Their commitment and dedication to our craft were duly recognized, and we congratulate them on reaching this significant milestone.

Furthermore, the meeting was graced by the presence of Worshipful Glenn Alexander Crowther, who attended despite not being in his mother lodge. It was truly a special occasion with the participation of such distinguished brothers, adding to the richness of our Masonic experience.

We look forward to more memorable gatherings in the coming year and appreciate the continued support and participation of our esteemed members.


Wor. Norman A. Wood Barnes
Gatun Lodge A.F. & A.M. - Secretary
+1 (786) 547-6184