November Communication - Official Visit
Nov 1, 2024 - 7:30pm - 1950 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140-2102

Mount Olivet Lodge A.F. & A.M.
November’s Lodge Notice


Dear Brother,

     Attached to this email you will find the notice of Mount Olivet Lodge’s regular business meeting notice on 11/1/2024. Download links are also attached. We really hope that you can attend. If you are in need of assistance, please contact the Master or Secretary right away. We are here to help.


Download the Notice:   


Make Dinner Reservation & Pay LATER or Make Dinner Reservation & Pay ONLINE NOW


Our Next Meeting:


6:30 P.M.   Dinner in the Lodge Dining Room: Meat Lasagna & Extra-Large Meatballs from Bobs Food Store, $20.00 per Brother with RSVP to the Junior Warden or by ordering online before by Oct. 29 by either email: or by phone call or text to 617-487-2171. Purchase your meal online at or $25.00 without RSVP and subject to availability.

RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED BY ALL except officers on permanent list.


7:30 P.M.   Opening of Lodge on the Entered Apprentice Degree in Form: Open Business Meeting

        Business meeting: Previous month’s minutes, Secretary’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, and Committee Reports.


8:00 P.M.   Official Visit of the District Deputy Grand Master, Rt. Wor. Ronald C. Higgins and his distinguished suite of Masons for the purpose of making an Official Visit.


Closing of Lodge in form.

Collation to follow.



     Brethren are reminded that if you are sick, not feeling well, or have symptoms such as fever, a sore throat, chills, cough, shortness of breath, congestion, nausea or vomiting, or have been in close contact with an individual diagnosed or exhibiting these symptoms within the past 5 days, or have been directed to self-isolate or quarantine by health care provider, that you should remain home to lessen the chance of transmission. While wearing masks is optional, if you feel more comfortable wearing a mask to meetings, please do so.


Upcoming Events
(Click HERE to view Mount Olivet’s Google Calendar.)

Nov 1 - Regular Meeting - Official Visit - 6:30PM
Nov 10 - Coins at the Grave - Cambridge Cemetery 9A
Nov 11 - Official Visit to Charity Lodge - 7:30PM
Dec 6 - Regular Meeting - Annual Business Meeting
Dec 11 - Grand Lodge Quarterly (Boston) - 1:30PM
Dec 22 - Lodge Practice - 2nd Degree - 9:00AM
Dec 29 - Lodge Practice - 2nd Degree - 9:00AM
Jan 3 - Regular Meeting - 2nd Degree - 6:30PM
Feb 7 - Regular Meeting - 6:30PM
Mar 7 - Regular Meeting - 3rd Degree - 6:30PM
Apr 4 - Regular Meeting - 6:30PM
May 2 - Regular Meeting - 1st Degree - 6:30PM
Jun 6 - Regular Meeting - Election of Officers
Jul 11 - Potential Regular Meeting
Aug 1 - Potential Regular Meeting

Mount Olivet Lodge Links:


Mount Olivet Squaresite
Website (under Construction)           




Fraternally and Sincerely,

Louis M. Ciano III


Mount Olivet Lodge A. F. & A. M.

(781) 727-1187 -


1950 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140-2102